Water sustainability, 2012

Submitted by: NCW IMRB South

The National Council of Women, in Conference assembled, recognising that the current shortage of water in many regions is likely to occur more frequently from the continuing effects of climate change and population growth, noting the importance of both educating the general population to use water wisely and to become aware of the amount they consume individually, as a family or as a group, acknowledging that any recommendation should be as fair as possible to all water users, urges her Majesty’s Government to require domestic water charges to be on a sliding scale as follows: (a) all households should be allowed to consume a basic allowance of water at a very reasonable rate; (b) after the basic allowance has been used, any further drawing of water should be at a higher cost per unit;(c) the scale should rise according to the amount consumed; (d) all households would need to have meters installed; (e) the proposed measures could be restricted to regions/water companies having an inadequate water supply.

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