Family planning, 1966

Submitted by: The Public Service and Magistrates Sectional Committee The National Council of Women of Great Britain in Conference assembled urges – (a) the Minister of Health to include within the National Health Service advice in all methods of family planning to all...

Air pollution, 1966

The National Council of Women in Conference assembled, considering Clean Air to be a basic necessity and being gravely concerned with the serious effects of Air Pollution on the health of the Nation, urges HM Government to take the necessary measures to ensure that...

Drug addiction, 1967

Submitted by: Committee of Management  The National Council of Women in Conference assembled views with apprehension the increase in the taking of both addictive and non-addictive drugs in this country and notes with concern the consequent disastrous physical and...

Prescription charges, 1967

Submitted by: Reading Branch The National Council of Women of Great Britain in Conference assembled urges Her Majesty’s Government to re-introduce prescription charges under the National Health Service, provision being made to ensure that additional hardship is not...